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Fertility Vitamins for Women

Vitamins to boost fertility

Having a baby is not a cakewalk. While a few are lucky enough to get a baby without much difficulty, there are others who struggle to conceive and have their own baby. 

Though your reproductive health is primary when it comes to conceiving, your overall health also plays a key role. A healthy and well-nourished body can conceive and sustain a pregnancy without much complication. Thus, having a proper diet rich in vitamins and minerals is very important to boost your fertility. 

What Is The Role Of Vitamins In a Female Body?

In a female body, vitamins are very important for the below functions

  • Maintaining thyroid health. 
  • Menstruation and ovulation. 
  • Quality and maturation of the egg. 
  • Building immunity. 
  • Energy production. 

Thus, vitamins are crucial in maintaining the overall health of a female body. 

What Are The Different Types Of Fertility Vitamins For Women? 

Vitamin B

Vitamin B helps promote healthy eggs and thus reduces the chances of ovulatory infertility. Studies have shown that consuming Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6 and B12 at least three times a week reduces the risk of ovulatory infertility. 

Consuming B complex tablets can provide the required vitamin B required to boost fertility. 

Vitamin B9

Though the main role of vitamin B9 or folic acid is to reduce neural tube defects in babies, you can also take it before pregnancy to boost the chances of getting pregnant. If you are undergoing fertility treatment, doctors will prescribe vitamin B9 to increase your chances of conceiving. 

Vitamin E

A high level of vitamin E in the body increases cervical mucus in women. This helps the sperm stay alive for a longer time, thus increasing the chance of getting pregnant. Moreover, if you are trying to conceive later in life, consuming vitamin E can also boost the quality of the egg. 

Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency can cause several fertility-related problems like PCOS, uterine fibroid and endometriosis. Thus, exposure to sunlight or taking vitamin D tablets reduces the risk of the above conditions and boosts your fertility. 

Omega 3 fatty acid

Omega 3 fatty acid helps to regulate the hormones and promote ovulation. It also increases the cervical mucus and increases the blood flow to the reproductive organs. All this increases the chance of getting pregnant. 


The deficiency of iron can result in anaemia. This affects the quality of the egg and increases the chances of infertility. Taking an iron tablet helps maintain the level of iron in the blood at the optimal level. 

Bottom Line

There is no doubt that consuming vitamin tablets can increase your chance of getting pregnant. If you are undergoing IVF treatment, the chances of success are more if you take vitamin tablets. 

But you must always consult a doctor before starting on the tablets. Some tablets do not mix well with other medicines. Similarly, consuming vitamins without a prescription can sometimes result in an overdose. Thus, it is best to consult a doctor and go as per their advice.