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Bedtime Routine For 6 Month Old

Creating a Bedtime Routine

Once you have a baby, parenting becomes a full-time job. There is so much that you need to learn while still teaching your little one. Teaching a child to sleep is one of the most confusing activities for moms and dads. When coming up with a bedtime routine for 6 month old, there are questions that may linger in your mind. Should you teach them at night, during naps, or at any bedtime? If this is your current dilemma, you are in the right place as this post will address all your concerns.

As far as the sleeping routine goes, most experts agree that when you have a clear routine, you will notice that your baby is able to sleep longer at night. Think of the bedtime routine for 6 month old as a way of calming your baby so that your baby relaxes and sleeps. There are several activities that you can use to help set up your little one for bed. After a baby hits the age of 3 months, they will start being active for longer hours. To be able to deal with this, you should introduce a bedtime routine at an early age.

By the time your baby hits six months, they have really grown and developed so many skills. Giggling, eye contact, and a lot of activities are witnessed at this stage. They are delightful and love new experiences. As such make the routine interesting and engaging.

Keeping Up with Your Little One’s Sleep

The bedtime routine for 6 month old is different from the early ages of the baby’s life. After passing the 6-month mark, your baby is active, takes solid foods, and has a few teeth growing. These are some of the indicators that your baby is growing and developing. While this is happening, their sleeping habits also change significantly. Your baby should be sleeping for about 11 hours at night and some naps during the day, which gives a total of 15 hours of sleep. The routine can be unpredictable and some toddlers may even develop sleep regression.

Most parents agree that the sleeping patterns for their six-month-olds are quite different. There are babies who become fussy and cranky as a result of being deprived of sleep. Coming up with a consistent bedtime routine for 6 month old will help your baby sleep better. Take some simple measures like not picking up the baby when they are placed in the crib and start crying. After a while, they will learn the new norm and will sleep on their own. Sleep training is imperative and since babies are different, you can pick a routine that works for your child.

Final Thoughts

When raising your young one, you will need patience and optimism. Do not be quick to give up on your bedtime routine for 6 month old. Keep practicing and after a while, you will notice that it flows seamlessly and your baby will learn to enjoy their sleep time.