8 Month Old Baby Teething Symptoms
Which teeth emerge at 8 months?
Babies’ teeth usually start coming at 6 months, but it can happen as early as 3 months and can delay up to 12 months. A baby’s teething timetable may differ, so we’re going to talk about 8 month old baby teething symptoms and how to soothe them.
The baby’s central incisor usually emerges at 8-12 months. An individual tooth usually causes some discomfort, but only for a few days. However, for some babies, it may take longer. The entire teething process, making up the 20 primary teeth, is usually complete at age 2-3 years old.
8 Month Old Baby Teething Symptoms
Now, let’s talk about the teething symptoms you should expect for your 8-month old. Teething can be bothersome not only for the baby, but for the entire family as well. That’s why it’s important to understand the 8 month old baby teething symptoms and how you can ease them.
Common Baby Teething Symptoms:
Here are some of the common teething symptoms for babies around 8 months old. Each baby may have a different teething experience. Some experience no symptoms at all, while some may suffer through long months of teething-related fussiness and pain. The following are the usual symptoms that most babies experience.
- Mild Fever (Usually less than 102oF)
- Runny nose
- Excessive Drooling
- Decreased appetite, especially for solid foods
Common (but less frequent) Baby Teething Symptoms:
The following symptoms are also common, but they happen less frequently. The good thing is there are many ways to ease them.
- Increased chewing and biting
- Facial rash
- Gum rubbing
- Ear rubbing
- Irritability
- Sucking
Symptoms That Are NOT Associated with Baby Teething:
Some symptoms that we assume are related to teething actually aren’t and may be associated with illness. The following are some examples of symptoms that aren’t associated with baby teething and should ideally be addressed with the help of your doctor.
- Fever more than 102oF
- Rash besides facial rash
- Decreased appetite for liquids and solids
- Congestion and cough
- Uncontrolled vomiting
- Uncontrolled diarrhea
How to soothe an 8 month old for teething?
These tips are generally effective, but what works for one parent may not work for you, so you have to try various things to help your kiddo feel relieved.
- Put something cold in the baby’s mouth, such as some cold pacifier, a spoon, some clean wet washcloth, or some solid refrigerated teething ring or toy. Experts say that frozen teething toys may be too cold and may just end up hurting your baby’s mouth. Just keep them cold, not frozen. Also, make sure the washcloths, teething toys, etc. are clean before and after your baby uses them.
- Try giving your baby some hard, unsweetened teething cracker.
- For babies 6-9 months old, try offering cool water from their sippy cup.
- Try massaging or rubbing the baby’s gums gently using your clean finger. If the baby teeth have not come in just yet, let the baby gnaw on your finger. If you are nursing the baby, try dipping your finger in cool water and massage your baby’s gums before every feeding. That may minimize the nipple biting while nursing.
Teething may cause stress among many parents, but the whole process becomes more manageable with the right knowledge and tips at your disposal.